Kenya has the largest youth unemployment rates in the
region. According to the Kenya national bureau of statistics, nine out of ten
unemployed Kenyans are 35yrs and below. To try and address the matter, the
government has invested millions in programmes, funds and different trainings
to support the youth. They include, kazi kwa vijana, uwezo fund, the youth
enterprise development fund and national youth service. The initiatives have
had short term effects due to their temporal nature and long procedures for
With the high rates of unemployment, youths opt crime or
engage in drug abuse allegedly for mental stability, to avoid stress. Some
youth are graduates holding on to hope that a day will come that they shall be
employed while others loose the hope and commit suicide.
The focus should not only be on the theoretical knowledge
but also on practical skills to enhance the personal and career development of
the youth ensuring they are employable and skilled to create jobs for
The government should create a conducive environment for the
private sector, individual and others to set up businesses thereby promoting entrepreneurship.
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